Why you need to focus on some Awesome List Building!
- Building your list is what EVERY successful marketer teach! And, with good reason.
The higher percentage of your income as an internet marketer will come from just that, your list.
So how and why is this so vital?
First the HOW:
- For one thing, this is ONE of the very easiest ways to make bank as fast as possible without a lot of learning curves WHICH is a real drag, and sadly common in the internet marketing genre.
Then the WHY:
- The easiest reason to why is the amount of time you save by focusing on ONE area in your business and then after a while, (actually really fast if you can leverage other people’s list, more on that later…) you will see some amazing results because of this ONE area of focus.
So while others usually spend years before they come to this conclusion that they should focus on one thing, I can tell you right away that THIS is the ONE THING that should be your main focus right from the “get go”. And ONLY this.
So if you feel like you could need some resources, let me hand them over:
- We need a site of some sort and while you can use even a free site like from WordPress.com or a Squidoo lens or maybe even Blogger.com… You should think of branding your business and that is where the paid options come in. You can start free if you want.
This site is hosted on WordPress and is not very customizable but enough to make a landing page.
All you need REALLY is a simple blank page (any theme should do) where you put an image, some text and an opt in form.
The first thing to do is to choose a domain name for your list building efforts.
Relate this to either your name… (For branding purposes, will earn you credit in the long run) OR find a name for your business site.
Preferably something easy to remember as you are going to include links to the site all over the internet.
You can use Godaddy.com Name.com or namecheap.com or any other registrar for the registration of the domain name.
Then I suggest Hostgator.com or Siteground (better) and the “Baby plan” if you are new and just starting out. For more advanced users I would suggest Amazon AWS for better bandwidth but only if you are having trouble with your server. Also for advanced users, I use Cloudways for managed hosting.
This rarely happens but when you are getting heaps and heaps of traffic then Hostgator baby plan is not the best option as they handle a lot of traffic. At least that goes for launches and serious hoards of traffic. Just keep an eye out for your site health when you drive traffic and you’ll be fine.
So after this, you need to setup your WordPress site by using the Fantastico option in Hostgator. Lot’s of training manuals on this i.e. Youtube.com
What I normally do is to setup a simple squeeze page consisting of a blank page at first. The way I do this is to delete EVERYTHING out of the ordinary for a squeeze page. What I mean is this:
- Delete links to the theme. Usually in the bottom.
- Depending on the theme you may need to go over a couple things to get Widgets out of the way. Usually on the right. You can choose a free theme as long as you do these steps as they will increase your visitor count staying on your site.
- Deleting any links (as mentioned) that are present, and any text on the page.
You can see another example HERE. The copy is the one key takeaway to learn for making landing pages. – By the way, you don’t need to opt-in but you may want to see what kind of copy is being used and also color choices on the pages.
So, let’s assume your site is white and blank without anything on it.
What you now need is a free product to give away. I suggest you find a HIGH-QUALITY PLR product with giveaway rights to get things going fast.
The first thing to include on a squeeze page is a BIG BOLD RED Headline. Proven to work font is Arial. Georgia. Tahoma. + more… But please stick with easy at first.
In that headline, we need to use a couple of copyrighting elements that will ‘hook’ in the visitor’s interest.
We need these things to increase conversions to get a head start.
- Use scarcity as in, “will only be available for a limited time”.
( Just be honest and really mean it. Take the offer away after a while or change around on it so it really is limited. If not, don’t say it)
- And underline a HUGE benefit with a yellow background. (Color choices is another thing I will mention later in another post more extensively.)
Can use just plain color text here also. You have seen them all over the place, but if you analyze them you have a killer chance of achieving top results for your first squeeze page.
There is no one size fits all for landing pages. But they follow a pattern without necessarily using the same colors for every page.
- BUT, a fair warning here.
Don’t overdo the analyzing just yet. Just follow my lead as this is supposed to be an easy start. You just have to get it going. I PROMISE!
So with a headline all you need know is a picture of your freebie. May it be a PDF or a video. Video convert very well also.
Fiverr.com is a good place to outsource work you haven’t mastered yet yourself.
AND of course an opt-in box on the left or below the freebie. You need a first name and an email by the way.
For getting that in place we need an account on Aweber.com. Free 1 dollar trial for 30 days.
So when have registered an account you create a welcome email where you do a quick introduction and deliver the freebie.
Also, we need a second webpage where you welcome your prospects and give away your freebie. This URL is needed for your Aweber account when you are asked for it.
And that pretty much sums it up. It’s a small funnel. You can get better results with more advanced funnels where you provide even more value. More on this later.
What you got as a result, however, was a Squeeze page to send traffic to. People opt in to get the freebie. You collect the email. They get redirected to the freebie… AND you have a list of people to market to.
Can you say Ka-Ching?
Obviously, there is a little more finesse in getting people to buy from what you send them as a service.
Ever heard of Pareto’s Principle?
The Pareto principle (also known as the 80–20 rule, the law of the vital few, and the principle of factor sparsity) states that, for many events, roughly 80% of the effects come from 20% of the causes.[1][2]
Business-management consultant Joseph M. Juran suggested the principle and named it after Italian economist Vilfredo Pareto, who observed in 1906 that 80% of the land in Italy was owned by 20% of the population; he developed the principle by observing that 20% of the pea pods in his garden contained 80% of the peas.[2]
It is a common rule of thumb in business; e.g., “80% of your sales come from 20% of your clients”. Mathematically, where something is shared among a sufficiently large set of participants, there must be a number k between 50 and 100 such that “k% is taken by (100 − k)% of the participants”. The number k may vary from 50 (in the case of equal distribution, i.e. 100% of the population have equal shares) to nearly 100 (when a tiny number of participants account for almost all of the resource). There is nothing special about the number 80% mathematically, but many real systems have k somewhere around this region of intermediate imbalance in distribution.
Source: Wikipedia.com
Basically what this means is that if you give content 80% you will reap rewards 20%. At least that is what my English grammar can explain for you 😉 Note: I am Norwegian after all… 😉
So to finish things off, there is your basic list builder. Turning it into an income machine will require content and promos related to your niche.
Follow up is the next step. You can read more about it in another post, coming soon.
There are tons of providers out there and you certainly won’t have to take my word for it if I say it’s good. I use what I found to be a good solution a while back after spending much time on it.
(see the whole hosting provider post I did here: this site’s hosting.)
And if you want to Google like I did… Then you’re in for a possible long research project. But if you want to use the insights gathered in this post then feel free.
Thanks for stopping by 😉